Tuesday, December 8, 2009

LET'S FEEL the X-mas

What is the first thing comes in your mind when the month of december comes??? Yes it's Christmas. Christmas is the season of loving and sharing.

A few days to come, we'll be celebrating again the Christmas. Many children are going house to house to carol. Many houses are decorated with a very different colorful christmas decorations. Every night, you can see a bright colors around. Many are giving help to others . Many are attending the tradition of Filipinos, the MISA DE GALLO. Yes!!!! it's already a christmas because we can now feel the essence of this season.

But there are only some true essence of celebrating Christmas. One is SHARING, this season we should share with what we have to others especially those who are in need. Instead of wasting those in not imprtant matters, why don't we share and give it to the one who is in need.

Second is, forgiving the ones who made mistakes to our lives and making an apology to whom we made a mistake. It's important for us to have a peceful mind and at the same time we'll be having a happier moment this x-mas season.

Most of all, we should "love" eachotherat this season. Not only this season but also everyday. We sould share, forgive and accept. The only purpose of this is to makes everybody MERRY and HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

For me, Christmas is not only celbrated in one month it's celebrated everytime of our lives. Everytime we should love each others. Christmas must not be celebrated by it's elegance, it must be celebrated in just a simple way.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. wow nmanth!!!!!!!!

    GANda ng LAYout mo!!!!!!!!layout lg ah!!!!!!!

    SUCHa flattery!
