Sunday, July 19, 2009


Every July, we are celebrating the nutriton month and this have a theme of "WASTONG NUTRISYON KAILANGAN, LIFESTYLE DISEASES IWASAN" which means we should avoid the different diseases by maintaining our proper nutrition in different ways.
In this season, we are suffering from the different diseases like flu, fever and others. we can prevent these diseases in many ways . One is to have a proper nutrition in what ways? One is to eat nutritiuos foods like vegetables, the most important. We should also follow the GO, GROW and GLOW foods to help our body to be nourished. We should eat carbohydrates to help us to be strong especially in morning. Not only eating nutritous foods that can help us in having a healthy body but also performing some physical activities as serve as our execise . We should heve a proper hygiene, have enough rest and othr activities. If we do these all, we are surely be a healthy person and in that way, we are safe and far from any diseases.
Health is Wealth, so we must do the activities in maintaining our proper nutrition because our health is the most important to our life.