Monday, October 12, 2009


They part of our lives especially us students, our dearest teachers. They are standing as our second parents. They contributed many advantages ti us students.

Almost everyday we see them doing their responsibilities just for us. They are teaching us the right for our own sake. First is , they taugt the basic form of our lessons. They taught also the good and right attitudes for us to apply to our everyday life. Even though, sometimes we don't listen to them they tried their best t scold us just to straighten our wrong activities. They also give pleasure to us. Without them, I don't have the knowledge that I have now. I konw the hardship of being teacher because as I observed them, I notice that they are working hard everyday to teach their students.

For me, the most important and hardest profession of all is being a teacher because without them we can't learn what they've taught to us. My teache is really my hero.